Retirement & Lifestyle Planning Foundations

Retirement date is not an end destination, it is simply a transition point to a different lifestyle and new phase of living. It is different for everyone and most people do not invest enough time in the transition to best prepare for this exciting phase of their lives. The seeds of the best transitions occur well in advance of our retirement. It is much more than just the numbers which is what most people focus on. It is about reviewing what is important to us/our families and where we want to spend our time and resources. It is ensuring we are focused on our health, our approach to transitioning out of work, our legal matters but also importantly it is about developing a strong sense of purpose and maintaining and building a strong social connection. It is also important to recognise that retirement or exit from the workforce isn’t always on our terms, hence why we need to plan well in advance. In this workshop we help prepare you so you can make the most of this transition and learn from the experiences of others.

Key Insights

  • Australians are living longer leading and need income to last longer

  • Factors that may impact timing of retirement include financial security, health, cognitive abilities, work stress, family caring, access to super, partner/spouse plans

  • Goal setting is even more important in the lead up and during retirement

  • Your time is your own! replacing that sense of purpose is most important

  • Explore what government support or benefits you may be entitled to

  • Consider where you will live - changes in housing needs or locations

  • Work out where your money is going, understand what you will require to support your lifestyle 

Relevant Resources

Retirement Planning Checklist

There are many things to think about before you retire. This checklist can help you consider the areas you should focus on during your transition to retirement.

Retirement Calculator

Find out your income at retirement and how contributions, investment options, fees and retirement age affect your retirement income.

Downsizing in Retirement

Decide weather downsizing your home is right for you.

Transition to Retirement

Strategies that can be used to assist in achieving your retirement goals on time.

Let us know!

We are always finding way to improve and would love to hear your thoughts on our Retirement and Lifestyle Planning Module.