Stretching the Family Budget

Managing money can sometimes feel like a tug or war. It is important than to get on top of your family finances and make every dollar work harder and to also build safety buffers for the unexpected. The first stage of putting stretch into the budget is to track spending and understand where your hard-earned dollars go. Couple this with having a good understanding of what is important to you, allows you to then prioritise and get back in control where you can make choices around what to stop, defer, reduce or maintain. In this workshop we will share practical ways to save in the main expense categories. People that regularly record and review their spending habits have far greater success in improving their overall financial circumstance.  

Key Insights

  • Set Goals / A Budget

  • Separate wants from needs

  • 50 - 30 - 20

  • If you don’t have it don’t spend it

  • Now versus tomorrow

  • Effort – Work – Reward

  • Sacrifice / trade offs

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees

  • Save your pennies & the pounds will look after themselves

  • Never borrow on depreciating assets

  • Rainy day fund

  • Out of sight – out of mind

  • Spend less than you earn

  • Wait 24 Hours!

Relevant Resources

100+ ways to saveTips to save on your every day expenses.

100+ ways to save

Tips to save on your every day expenses.

5 steps to get a better deal on your home loan Thousands could be saved by asking a few simple questions!

5 steps to get a better deal on your home loan

Thousands could be saved by asking a few simple questions!

Budget TemplateWork out where your money is going and discover areas where you could be making those extra savings.

Budget Template

Work out where your money is going and discover areas where you could be making those extra savings.

50-30-20 Saving Strategy

New to budgeting? here is a simple, easy-to-understand budgeting technique anyone can use.

Let us know!

We are always finding way to improve and would love to hear your thoughts on our Stretching the Family Budget Module.