Principles of Superannuation

Our savings through superannuation are an important pillar for most individual’s retirement plans. Unfortunately, the system is complex and there are always changes being made to contributions and tax consequences. In this workshop we learn how to make the most of superannuation in order to fund the lifestyle that you want in retirement.

Key Insights

  • Superannuation is one of many tools to support retirement lifestyle

  • Understand your savings target (start early)

  • Maximise pre-tax contributions (watch limits)

  • Consolidate your super (where appropriate)

  • Understand the risks you are taking for the return

  • Diversify your portfolio

  • Plan for a longer retirement / for a healthy retirement

  • Consider gradual transition to retirement

  • Consider downsizing options

  • Regular reviews are critical as the rules are constantly changing

  • Don’t plan for retirement at retirement, start early

  • You don’t have to do it yourself

  • Leverage the input of specialists

Relevant Resources

Superannuation calculator

Find out your super balance at retirement.

MySuper funds list

Compare fees and the risks of multiple superannuation funds to find out which is best suited for you.

Grow your super

Take steps now to get the retirement you want.

What you need to know about Super

Overview of what superannuation is and why it can be a very beneficial tool to achieve your retirement goals.

Consolidating your Super

Find out the benefits of consolidating your superannuation.

Let us know!

We are always finding way to improve and would love to hear your thoughts on our Principles of Superannuation Module.